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Recommended Glass Washing Detergent / Sanitizer 3 Sink w/ Bar Maid

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  • Recommended Glass Washing Detergent / Sanitizer 3 Sink w/ Bar Maid

    I was wondering what people were using out there and are happy with? or what the BA may suggest is the best products?
    We have automatic bar maid brush washer in a 3 sink set up.
    We use sealed air's beer clean low suds packets, 1 per wash sink and nu-foam sanitizing tablets, 2 per sink.
    We rinse glasses prior to filling also.

    I've noticed the lack of head on most of the pours. This really hit home when I brought a growler home and poured a pint with my own glassware....
    There was a lasting, rock solid head which leads me to believe its a glassware issue.

    Any thoughts? Suggestions?

    Thank you